Kongoland is a dark tale set in the Kongo. The series follows the story of Choko "The Last Impala" who is out for revenge to see the Kongo Kingdom fall.
A tumultuous childhood has found him without allies but his demons will not rest until they are fed the blood of justice.
Concept & Thoughts
As part of a larger world currently entitled "Enemy". I intend to explore the affects of how the timeline in this universe would be affected by taking a keen eye on Africa in the 1500s.
There is no short supply of stories rehashing the tales from Europe and Japan. This is fantastic, who doesn't like Vikings jumping on boats to invade other nations! One Piece in Europe!
I am sure there will be even more additions of works that are inspired by European Culture so I'd like to see if its possible to take inspiration elswhere.
Added onto that. The current landscape of entertainment places a lot of focus on futuristic dypostias where the all seeing eye of the government has taken control of humanity or how a "big bad; usually climate change or technology has ruined the world.

The above is a map of Africa and where the slave ports were around the 15th century. This is a very interesting time period as quite a lot of events are going on in the real world we live in. Japan is about to have its great unification; The Spanish are at war with half of the world, particularly with the Aztecs of South America.
The portugese interactions of the African slave trade is in full swing and touches many of the countries around the world.
This presents an interesting opportunity to uproot an individual out of Africa and set him on a fictional journey in the Enemy universe.
Why the Kongo instead of any of the other locations to be inspired by? KONGOLAND sounds cool.

What is clear is Choko, the main character will be of the people. In line with the larger theme of the Enemy series; as such his design must have a gorgeous dark complextion. Other parts of his style are very much open in the air from hairstyle, weaponry and so forth.
Kongoland the One Shot Manga
At present 20/60 pages of the one shot manga have a story board which is losely a "story". It struggles to keep the readers attention at the moment.
The final will absolutely be in the 50-60 page range of a one shot.
As always thanks for reading my ramblings. Sorry to me of the future for giving away spoilers to storyes but hey, the product isnt even made yet.
"Those who have awoken, share the same fate"
- Taeja