General Thoughts
I initially found Magnet Jack randomly while selling my neurons to reddit. The algorithm recommended it to me and I've been happy ever since.
My mind is a little out there, the artwork at the time featured what I saw to be a giant baby trying to swallow a magnet. Being quite distributed I clicked the link and joined the kickstarter. The game is now available to early backers and I am happy to say it's a pretty good game so far.

Within 20 mins of gameplay I was able to reach the first boss which turned out to be the very same giant baby trying to swallow Magnet Jack. Unfortunately there was no swallowing (no i am not into vore) but there was a lot of platforming and puzzling going on.
The title lives up to the 'action-oriented puzzle-platformer' pitch.
The gameplay felt unnatural at first when playing on the keyboard. I kept wanting to hold down then press jump to perform a down jump but no, holding down for a fixed period achieves the same thing.
Once I stopped dying from that, the gameplay was pretty chill and the puzzles felt like they had a nice progression to them.
Different mechanics felt like they were introduced at just the right time, at least in the first world. This includes the hidden rooms.
It's possible some of these things were explained in the NPC dialogue but let's be real, ain't no-one reading all that.
If you want to get up to date information on Magnet Jack and when it will be released then you can find the creator and the community on (Discord Here)

After clearing the second world, it was a nice touch giving the player the option of which world types they want to electrocute next. I made it a little ways through the next world before deciding to wrap it up.
The music was quite soothing for what it is and fits well to the synthwave theme we got going on. It would have been nice if there was background music on the main menu as it felt empty only hearing the button sound effects.
I intend to play the game more when it's fully released.

I didn't take the time to record my 40 min playthrough so far but you check out a playthrough here by (FullThroughYT)
At this stage I can say I'm happy to have backed the project. Innovation doesn't come from the reigning bodies but the little guy in a hut somewhere in a place no-one cares to look at, slamming their heads against the wall on a single topic with passion driving themselves insane.
I wish the best for Magnet Jack on his journey. I'm sure he will go onto becoming a great magnet and may even mentor others.